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Fall 2022-23 TEACH Symposium (Sept 2022)

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The TEACH Symposium recurs several times a year, often around inflection points in the year such as the beginning of a new year or a shift in modality. Each TEACH Symposium offers free, online workshops for any member of the Stanford community.

Registration is now open for the Autumn 2022 TEACH Symposium

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Autumn 2022 TEACH Symposium

September 19 (Mon.), 21 (Wed.), and 23 (Fri.), 2022

The Autumn TEACH Symposium offers free, in-person, and online workshops for any member of the Stanford community to help you prepare for Autumn Quarter. September 19th will be in person, and September 21st and 23rd will be offered online.

Register to attend

Register for any number of sessions. You will receive a calendar invite with Zoom links for each registered session and an overall summary of your sessions. 

Register to attend

Session descriptions

Read about the sessions and find the ones that interest you. 

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Quickly check to see which sessions work best for your schedule.

View schedule of sessions

Monday, September 19 (In-person)

This day's sessions are held in person. Register to RSVP.

Schedule of in-person TEACH Symposium sessions for Monday, September 19, 2022
Session Name Time Location
The Discussion Lab 9:00–10:00 Wallenberg 315
Gender Expansive Learning Spaces 10:15–11:15 Wallenberg 332
Academic Technology Equipment Exhibit: iPads, Robots, Cameras and More 11:30–12:45 Wallenberg 317
Teaching in the New Academic Year: What to Expect 1:00–2:00 Wallenberg 124
New Classroom Showcase & Demo 2:15–4:15 Wallenberg 315, 317, 332
In-person Course Clinic 2:15–4:15 Wallenberg 317

Wednesday, September 21 (Online)

This day's sessions are held online. Register for the Zoom link.

Schedule of online TEACH Symposium sessions for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Session Name Time
Supporting Project-based Group Work in the Classroom: Community Building and Effective Collaboration 8:00–8:30
Accommodations and Accessible Instruction: A Conversation with OAE 9:10–10:10
Introduction to Poll Everywhere Demo + One-on-one Workshop 9:10–10:10
Writing to Engage, Writing to Explore 10:20–11:20
Canvas Overview Session 10:20–11:20
Not So Blank Canvas: Beautiful Tools to Support In-person Learning and Maximize Joy 11:30–12:00
Editing Your Video Lecture in Panopto 11:30–12:30
Overview of Tools and Services for Gathering Student Feedback 12:40–1:40
InSpace Odyssey: Virtual Community Building for Orientation 1:50–2:50
Laugh and Meditate Your Way into the New School Year 3:00–4:00
Grading Efficiently by Grading “Up” and “Vertically” 4:10–5:10

Friday, September 23 (Online)

This day's sessions are held online. Register for the Zoom link.

Schedule of online TEACH Symposium sessions for Friday, September 23, 2022
Session Name Time
Intentional Pedagogy for Academic Integrity 8:00–9:15
Teaching with Technology: Frameworks and Tools 9:10–10:10
Online Course Clinic 10:00–12:00
Responding to Student Writing—Feedback as Conversation 10:20–11:20
Using Wiki Sites for Collaborative Teaching and Training 11:30–12:00
How To Use The Instructor Accessibility Guide In Canvas 12:40–1:40
What do you StandFor? Exploring values through Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning 1:50–2:50
The Art of Leading Discussions for Sustainable Learning 3:00–4:15
ePortfolios for Transformative Learning 4:10–5:10

Submit a proposal

All staff, instructors, students, and Stanford community members are invited to submit a proposal to present at the TEACH Symposium. We would love for you to facilitate a workshop, panel discussion, demonstration, presentation, or conversation. Please submit your session by Thursday, August 25. 2022.

You are welcome to repeat a session you facilitated this past academic year since our audience and many of the challenges are similar. If you want to go for something new, here are some questions to consider as you plan your session:

  • How can we continue to put the values of the TEACH framework into practice (Timely, Engaging, Accessible, Connected, and Humane)? 
  • What successes, lessons, or practices from this past in-person academic year might instructors want to adopt?
  • What policies should we be mindful of as we continue in-person teaching? 
  • In what ways can we continue to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion outcomes?
  • How can we continue to practice intentional pedagogy?

If you have questions as you prepare your session submission, contact Lauri Dietz at Please share this widely with other instructors, staff, and students you think might want to lead a session.  

Submit a proposal

Contact us

Questions? Problems? Requests? Email Lauri Dietz at