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Wallenberg teaching setup

Remote Teaching Guide

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For online instructors and teaching teams

This guide applies specifically to courses that have been accredited for distance learning and that Stanford departments and programs have designated as online courses. If your course has not been designated as an online course, please check in with your department or program leadership before implementing these methods.  

Strategies for fully online teaching

This guide focuses on strategies and resources for teaching remotely in primarily fully online course formats. It includes strategies for online lectures, virtual office hours, remote exams, and online activities, and refers to technology tools such as Zoom, Google Suite, Canvas, and Poll Everywhere. The content of this guide is most applicable to fully online courses; some elements can be adapted to technology-enhanced courses. For more specific guidance about other Stanford courses, please visit the Blended and Hybrid Teaching Guide.  

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Sections within this guide

A guide of the most common content delivery methods and present strategies for optimizing your online teaching content.