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Supporting Students with Disabilities

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Stanford University is committed to supporting a diverse community that includes students and staff with disabilities. The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) supports students with academic and housing accommodations. The Diversity and Access Office (DAO) supports non-academic accommodations such as club sports, workplace accommodations, and transportation to University-sponsored events.

Faculty and teaching staff play an important role when a student requests or requires academic accommodation based on a disability.

The academic accommodation process

  1. The student works with OAE to document their disability.
  2. The OAE determines what accommodations and services are needed. The OAE then provides documentation to the student in the form of an Accommodation Letter that the student presents to the faculty or teaching staff.
  3. The faculty or teaching staff then collaborates with the OAE to modify and implement the recommended accommodation.

The instructor's responsibility in academic accommodations

Instructors can best support students and OAE through the accommodation process by doing the following.

  • Let students know that accommodations are possible and that the OAE is there to support them.
  • Include the OAE's statement of academic accommodation in the syllabus.
  • Refer any students with questions about accommodations to OAE.
  • Protect student privacy and confidentiality.
  • Collaborate with OAE in modifying and implementing accommodations.
  • Specify required readings and texts as early as possible.
  • Contact OAE with any questions about requesting or implementing an accommodation.

Non-academic accommodations

Students needing non-academic accommodations for club sports, dorm activities, or accessible transportation to University-sponsored events should contact the Diversity and Access Office (DAO). This includes services such as:

  • Disability golf cart (DisGo) transportation service
  • 5-SURE safe nighttime golf cart transportation service 
  • Service animal & support animal resources
  • Emergency evacuation planning for individuals with disabilities
  • Inclusive event planning resources
  • Finding accessible parking, restroom facilities and community resources

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